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Pinewood Derby

The Pinewood Derby is the highlight of many cub scouts' entire year. The race takes place in January. Prizes are awarded not only for speed but also creativity and originality. We typically have three divisions: Lions and Tigers, Older Scouts, and Family. Winners at the pack level go on to compete at the district level.

  • Buy a kit and work with your scout to have a car ready to go for competition! Need help? Don't hesitate to ask, or join us at the drop-in clinic.
  • While the main purpose of the Pinewood Derby competition is FUN for the kids and their families, it is also a rule-driven event and we want to ensure that everything is as fair as possible.
  • Please remember that the Pinewood Derby is NOT an adult engineering competition. Give your scouts hints, tips, help where needed, but we want the kids to make their own cars as much as possible.
  • For those kids at heart (and engineer wanna-bees who want to build the fastest car of all time), we want you to have a good time too, so you can build a car as well and compete in a special class just for parents and siblings.
  • Use the best equipment you can to determine weight and size. We'll have the official scale available at the den meetings in January so you don't have any surprises on race day.
  • Make sure that the wheels and axles are official BSA parts and that the proper lubrication (graphite only, no oil) is used.

Where do I get a kit?

The easiest way to get a kit is to buy one at one of the den meetings in December and January. Stores like Michael's, AC Moore, and Lowe's Home Improvement also sell them.

NOTE: If you purchase components of the car (pre-cut car kits, wheels or axles) outside of the kits the Pack is selling, please make sure those products are approved by Boy Scouts of America. You will see the BSA seal on the packaging. The reason we require this is that non-BSA approved kits may not be made to the same specifications. This could lead to improper clearance or width of your car that would prevent it from rolling down our track. The width between axles is also a standard that all approved kits will conform to. You can use whatever weights, paint, stickers, you want, but the mechanical parts of the car (body, wheels and axles) must be BSA approved. Please let us know if you have questions Make sure your box has the official BSA seal as seen below.

Can I try out my car?

Typically we set the track up the Friday before the race on Saturday. You're welcome to come weigh your car, check the size, and run it on the track.

How do I make a fast car?

Mark Rober has a great video on it; see below. For our track, his comments about instability if you put the weight too far back are important. Our track has a fairly sharp bend where it transitions from sloped to flat. This bend sometimes causes cars to pop wheelies and fly off the track.

Rules and Regulations

  1. To be eligible to race, every scout must be a currently registered Cub Scout or Webelos Scout in the Mawat District. Lion and Tiger Cubs will race in a special Lion/Tiger Division.
  2. Family members are also eligible to participate in a family race against each other. Family members can also advance to district competition as well, but only in the fastest car category.
  3. Cars must be constructed during this Scouting year. The car must not have competed in any previous District Pinewood Derbies.
  4. EACH CAR MUST PASS INSPECTION before it can be entered into the Derby, regardless of the category in which the car will compete.
  5. ALL WHEEL and AXLE LUBRICATION must be completed BEFORE inspection and registration. NO OIL, only dry graphite.
  6. ALL CARS will be placed on a table and must not be handled by anyone except the owner of the car. The car "owner" will be allowed to touch his car only when he is racing. Judges and other race officials may handle the car, but only when it is necessary.
  7. Rulings from the Inspection Committee, Race Officials, and Pack Judges are final.
  8. The District race will use a track and an electronically controlled computer system which is to be provided by, and under the control of, the Pack 495. The fastest cars will be determined by competition heats and will run in elimination heats for the overall winner. All cars will be raced on each available lane during all heats. Should there be a failure of the computerized timing system double elimination will be used. If double elimination is used, a car will have to lose against two different cars to be out of the race (Unless the two cars in the finals have no losses, then one car must lose to the other twice to be eliminated).
  9. Heats consist of each car racing on each available track by alternating with the other cars competing in that electronically timed heat. (For double elimination, if required, there will only be two cars racing.)
  10. Using the electronic timer and averaging the overall time of that car racing on the available tracks in a heat, the highest average speed will determine the heat winner. This means that even though a car may not win that heat, its time may be one of the 12 highest speed cars in the race, then that car will compete in the finals.
  11. If you win a heat, this alone does not qualify the Scout for the final
  12. The highest average speed alone makes this determination. However, if the electronic timing device fails and the race is run by double elimination, then if cars tie, or there is an uncertainty as to which car crossed the finish line first, both cars will be considered winners and put back in the drawings.
  13. If a repair becomes necessary, repair time is 2 (two) minutes only, and only 1 (one) repair is allowed per contest.
  14. The Pack 495 balance or scale (for weight) and the box are the official measuring devices. Weight may be reduced in order to meet specifications, and weight may be added up until registration check-in, but not after.

District Information

To be eligible to enter the Mawat District Pinewood Derby, every scout must be a currently registered Cub Scout or Webelos Scout in the Mawat District. Tiger and Lion Cubs are eligible to enter the District Derby in a special Lion/Tiger Division. Each Pack may also select two family racers to participate in a family race (i.e., non-Scout) race for speed only. All Cub Scouts, including Tigers and Lions, may be entered in only one category. The categories are: Fastest, Most Beautiful, and Most Original. Most beautiful car will be judged on craftsmanship / workmanship. Most original car will be judged on unique / innovative design.

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